I thankfully found a deluxe child-size Batman Returns style cowl on eBay, but everything else on the suit is homemade. While I know it isn't anywhere near the level of detail usually reached by the cosplay community, it knocked my junior Bat-fan's socks off. Seeing him pulling his best Keaton Batman poses and spouting out lines from the films was quite a kick for me...

...and of course my younger son Keaton wanted in on the action too. He requested Nightwing (he prefers this incarnation of Dick Grayson to Robin). Since Blaze was already in a look from Batman Returns, I decided to make the Nightwing suit in the same vein. So here we have Nightwing as if the character appeared in "Batman Returns"

I am a pretty lucky guy to have such awesome kids. :) I'd much rather go trick-or-treating with Burton-ized Batman and Nightwing than with a Pokemon or a toddler-sized John Cena.

CAn you describe how you made the batman costume?