Thursday, January 2, 2014

Merchandise Special Feature:
"Who's The Man Behind The Bat?"
NECA 18" Batman Figure
Michael Keaton Head Sculpt REVEALED!

As noted in our review, NECA's 18" Batman figure seems to be hiding a secret under his cowl. Lifting the nose of the mask produces the same effect as the film...

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In a splendiferous showing of accuracy, it appears NECA sculpted a separate Keaton likeness under Batman's mask! Removing the head from the body reveals further details, with what appears to be sculpted hair and ears!

 photo necaunmasked2_zps6d867aef.jpg

Curiosity over just how complete the Keaton head under the mask is urged me to buy another for dissection... but thankfully Randy Falk over at NECA was kind enough to send over this pic to save me the trouble! Here is the full head sculpt hidden behind the mask! Please note though- The mask is NOT meant to be removed and you will probably end up damaging yours if you try to get it off. Oh... and if Vicki Vale gets a shot of this, be sure to take her film...

 photo batkeatonnecasmall_zps7af6a610.jpg

Blaze and I did quite a bit of speculating as to why this was done in our review. Maybe it was just an effort to make the mask look as accurate as possible, or perhaps an unmasked version is in the cards (much like NECA's unmasked Tony Stark Iron Man)? My dream of course is that this is NECA employing some cost-effective future planning for a possible Batman Returns version... That would be the cat's pajamas!

A HUGE thanks to Randy for sending over the unmasked pic, and a round of applause to the entire NECA team for their hard work on this amazing figure!


  1. If they're doing a Batman Returns version, they might want to get rid of the black makeup around his eyes...

  2. How about pics of the 7" figure unmasked as well?
